Five Ingredient Feast: Pear and Brie Panini

Usually, when I’m too lazy to go grocery shopping or so strapped for cash that I need to forego my weekly supermarket impulses, I find myself gravitating toward an all too familiar habit – standing in front of the refrigerator and staring. C’mon, don’t deny it. You too have fallen victim to the inexplicable comfort of cold air hitting your face as food gawks back at you. For me, it’s always the same staple ingredients that return my gaze. It’s those staples that you buy but never quite use up at the same rate as everything else. The last lonely ingredients that occupy my refrigerator are jam, Brie, and the occasional veggie. I usually also have olive oil and bread in my cupboard and fruit ripening on my counter. Apart from these items, my kitchen is empty. Last week when this cycle started and I was once again greeted by cold air and an audience of food, I challenged myself to make something with what I had left. So, as it was lunchtime, I went for a simple Panini - sweet and savory and only 5 ingredients!

Candice Allouch is a junior at American University but abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland during the spring semester where she loves to try out new and intriguing tastes, from gastropubs to traditional restaurants (where Haggis is a must).


Pear-Brie Panini
Serves 1

1 pear, thinly sliced
Brie cheese, thinly sliced
Jam (I used apricot, but anything is fine!)
2 slices of bread
Olive oil (for drizzling)

Slice your pear and brie slices so that they will comfortably fit on your bread and are of comparable sizes.

Drizzle a bit of olive oil on your two bread pieces (this just helps ensure that the bread wont stick to your grill/pan/Panini press). Put half of the brie slices on one slice of bread, then lay as many pear slices as will fit on top of the brie, add the rest of the brie on top of the pears, and then spread jam on the other piece of bread (only on the side that will meet the rest of the sandwich). I like to be generous with the jam since it tends to be overpowered by the cheese. Close your sandwich.

Put the sandwich in the oven on med-high heat for about 2 minutes until the bread begins to toast and the cheese to melt. Then flip the Panini and allow the other side to toast as well. Take your Panini out of the oven and enjoy!!

Originally posted on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

8 Responses to “Five Ingredient Feast: Pear and Brie Panini”

  1. Jamal

    February 23rd, 2012

    Hey Candice it’s Jamal-saw a link to this on my FB newsfeed.
    I think that your subsmissino to this website is really cool and I’m gonna try making this recipe someday :)

  2. Roda

    February 23rd, 2012

    I’m definitely trying this this weekend! I’ll let you know how it goes :D

  3. Sarah McAnaw

    February 23rd, 2012

    This panini is one of my favorites! Everyone should definitely try it!!

  4. Bethany

    February 23rd, 2012

    I have all the ingredients in my pantry right now. I am going to try this with raspberry jam tonight!

  5. Natacha

    February 23rd, 2012

    I’m not going to lie when you mentioned the opening of the fridge and just staring at what’s inside, I thought to myself “Damn, I do that so often and usually just close it in disappointment” Love it as usual!

  6. Catalina

    February 23rd, 2012

    This sounds too good to be true.
    Can’t wait to make this and try it!

  7. Emily

    February 24th, 2012

    Yummmm. Making this for lunch or dinner this weekend! I was looking for some simple recipe ideas (beyond the rice or cous cous with sauteed veggies that I’ve been LIVING off of). Perfect!

  8. Marianne

    April 15th, 2012

    mmm this panini made my day ^^

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