Archive for August, 2011

Five Ingredient Feast: DIY Hot Dog Buffet

Mediterranean-style hot dog

Let’s be frank. Summer would be incomplete without the smell of hot dogs (or burgers) on the grill. They make a cheap meal when you’re having company, or when you’re feeling nostalgic, or at the ballpark, or the county fair, or walking down a New York City sidewalk…but after the tenth barbecue of the season, hot dogs just start to taste like salty rubber.

World hot dog eating champion, Takeru Kobayashi, unofficially broke his own record yet again last month, consuming 69 dogs in 10 minutes. Talk about no longer savoring the sausage. Kobayashi probably doesn’t even …


Dining Hall DIY: Le Gourmet Grilled Cheese

Gourmet Grilled Cheese

Cafeteria food. What more is there to say really? I mean, we’ve all been there before: eating out of Styrofoam trays, discovering the “spork,” and finding out that there really is such a thing as Mystery Meat. So what exactly possessed us to believe that college cafeterias would be dishing out 5-star meals every day? Whatever it was, we were sorely mistaken. Sure, they’ve stepped it up a little, but still, just like in elementary school, comfort foods and the salad bar are the bulk of our sustenance. (And then we wonder why the “freshman 15” turns into the college …


Procrastination Cooking: Short Rib Tacos


As college students, procrastination is a word that we all know very well. We’re either trying our best to avoid it or we’re hopelessly falling victim to it. Wanting to put real responsibilities on the back burner is inevitable, especially when you’ve got a huge project due in two days and Bravo or TLC decides to have a marathon of one of their (ahem…) thought provoking shows that you’ve already seen 10 times.

Sometimes that paper can wait, or that project can be put on hold for just one more day. However, after one too many episodes of “Hoarders” (crazy) …


Five Ingredient Feast: Chicken Curry


When you’re just starting out in a kitchen, sometimes reading through a recipe’s ingredient list can be even more intimidating than the actual recipe. I cannot count the number of meals I have not cooked over the years because I was avoiding an expensive and heavy trip to the grocery store. This is partly because of the number of meals I have also cooked over the years that required seemingly limitless numbers of ingredients, which sat barely used on the kitchen-y part of my bookshelf for months afterwards. Oh, raspberry vinegar. You made my Wheatberry Salad taste so delicious, but …