Archive for March, 2012

The Food Matters Project: Vegetables au Vin with Tofu


This post is part of the Food Matters Project, a cooking collaboration among participating bloggers. Each week, we will cook a recipe from Mark Bittman’s Food Matters Cookbook, which places an emphasis on mindful and sustainable eating. Follow along with us!

When I initially signed up to put my spin on Vegetables au Vin with Coq, I am not sure what I was thinking. Perhaps I can blame it on my lack of French skills or my immediate observation of the word “vegetables,” but the word “coq” in the title didn’t register with me. Once I realized my …


Table for Two: Cheese Fondue


When I think back to my most romantic dinner date, I must say that it was a cheese fondue dinner in Zurich, Switzerland. I was in Switzerland for a brief moment on my way to Italy while my boyfriend at the time was studying in Germany and took a weekend trip to Zurich. We met up for a romantic day strolling through the city and sampling Zurich’s delicious cuisine.

We spent nearly the entire 24 hours walking through small and windy streets, up and down cobble stone hills, and in and out of local museums. By the time the …