Brette Warshaw

Brette Warshaw


Brette Warshaw is a junior at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is a student in European history, creative writing, and jazz studies. A proud food nerd, she works doing research with Penn professors, studying things like ethnic foodways in West Philadelphia and chocolate consumption in China. She will be eating her way through Rome during the fall semester, leaving a wake of empty plates, flabbergasted waiters, and ripped skinny jeans behind her.





Best Party Theme: The Big Lebowski. Complete with white Russians, bowling, and, of course, dudes.





Culinary Pet Peeve: Anything referred to as “medallions.”





Best Meal You’ve Ever Cooked: Rhubarb upside-down cake, banana bread, and chcolate-espresso cookies. All delightfully under the loose heading known as “brunch.”





Late-Night Indulgence: Brownie batter, lightly sautéed.




Tastiest Travel Experience: Visiting a water buffalo farm in Cliento, Italy, where I explored the bounty that is bufala: bufala mozzarella, bufala ricotta, bufala yogurt, bufala gelato, and, the kicker: bufala chocolate pudding.

Procrastination Cooking: Homemade Bagels


Some take theirs plain, toasted, with butter and salt. Others, everything, cream cheese on the side. Lox and tomato, for the classicists; cinnamon raisin, for the sweet-toothed. Peanut buttered. Chocolate chipped. Scallion cream cheesed. Blueberry jammed. Scooped out, toasted, schmeared with the works, or unadorned, uncut, and later, with bite marks.

Me? Oh, don’t sweat it. I’ll take mine homemade.

While some bakers delight in the delicate crumb of the perfect cookie, bask in the beauty of a three-tiered cake, I grin in the glory of a perfectly formed loaf. I’m taken with tackiness. I’m excited by elasticity.

I’ve got …