The Food Matters Project: Seared Bean Sprouts With Mushrooms and Beef Lettuce Wraps

This post is part of the Food Matters Project, a cooking collaboration among participating bloggers. Each week, we will cook a recipe from Mark Bittman’s Food Matters Cookbook, which places an emphasis on mindful and sustainable eating. Follow along with us!

The latest addition to the Food Matters Project is a recipe for Seared Bean Sprouts with Beef and Sesame Orange Sauce, chosen by Dominica of Wine Food Love. I was really excited about this one, because I believe at heart it wants to be a stir fry. I am a veteran stir-fryer, and am always looking for new sauces to bring into the mix.

Because I wanted this to be a stir fry, I decided to move it into the wok (one of my favorite cooking tools), and threw in some white button mushrooms I had left over from a pizza, just for good measure. Bittman suggests serving this with noodles or rice, but to keep it in an asian theme, I made it into lettuce wraps. I’m an avid lettuce-wrapper, and, yes, ok, I also have to make an appearance in a bathing suit next week. So I took the opportunity to skip out on grains. The lettuce brought a welcome cooling, crisping element to the dish, and it also allowed me to eat with my hands, which I see as another big fat plus. The stir fry was a big success with the eaters I served this to (100% male, by the way). The orange element makes the sauce wonderfully fragrant, and the slight bitterness of the zest is nicely offset by the honey. Overall, this was a hit, and a nice alternative to ordering out for Chinese. The only note I would offer is to be sure to slice the beef very thin, especially if you want lettuce as your vehicle.

Other than the addition of the mushrooms and the wok (which also allowed me to reduce the amount of oil), the only other change I made to the recipe was to add about a tablespoon of rice wine vinegar to the sauce. For the complete recipe, head over to Wine Food Love — and check out what other FMP members did here!

Lily Bellow graduated in 2009 from Harvard University with a degree in English Literature. While in college, she bartended and cooked at the campus pub, and as a result has a difficult time eating chicken wings. She is the Managing Editor for Small Kitchen College.

Originally posted on Monday, March 5th, 2012

6 Responses to “The Food Matters Project: Seared Bean Sprouts With Mushrooms and Beef Lettuce Wraps”

  1. Sarah

    March 5th, 2012

    At the last minute I thought about serving this in lettuce cups, I already had some soba noodles at home so I ended up going in that direction. Glad to see someone else had that idea and it turned out well :-) . Also, love the bottle of Sriracha, I added some to the orange-soy sauce mixture.

  2. Marcia

    March 5th, 2012

    I love the idea of lettuce wraps! I think I’ll do that with the few leftovers I have. Great improvising, Lily!

  3. Margarita

    March 5th, 2012

    Oh, lettuce wraps are awesome! Great idea!

  4. Alyssa @ Everyday Maven

    March 5th, 2012

    Excellent idea! I have at least 3 or 4 lettuce wraps recipes posted and seriously try to turn everything into a lettuce wrap but this one didn’t occur to me. Love it!

  5. Ana

    March 6th, 2012

    Love this idea! Looking forward to trying it out!

  6. Kristen

    March 6th, 2012

    Such a creative idea! I never think to turn anything into a lettuce wrap….I’m going to keep this in mind :)

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