Friday Recipe Round-up: Avocado Madness

Every week we’ll round up some of the best recipes, food writing, cooking tips and drinking tricks that every college student should know about. Here’s what’s cooking in virtual kitchens around the web this week.

You might not have noticed but our pinterest is blowin’ up with avocados, so we are sharing the in-season avocado love and giving you some great and easy avocado recipes that we’ve seen around this week.

-Melissa Tovin, Small Kitchen College Contributor


An easy-to-make chowder that doesn’t require any cooking? That’s exactly what you’ve got with this fresh corn chowder with an avocado twist.

Coconut avocado ice cream??? Sounds ridiculous but oddly delicious—the only catch is that you need an ice cream maker for this one, but it might just be worth it.

What would a post about avocados be without a guacamole recipe? Here is one from Lip Gloss Culture, and there’s even a video!

You want sushi but you don’t want to go out? Make a sushi bowl! (Don’t worry, there’s avocado…)

Avocado is a perfect topping to a sandwich and we can definitely see that in this gluten free version from BGSK

This one has nothing to do with avocados, but I had to add it because it looks delicious, gourmet, and most importantly, simple. I must make this rosemary infused olive oil dark chocolate and salt popcorn. Now.

Originally posted on Friday, August 26th, 2011

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