Katherine Kies

Katherine Kies

Katherine Kies is a senior at Cornell University where she is completing her major in Hotel Administration with a concentration in Hospitality Design. She lives in a dilapidated house in Collegetown with 15 other girls. When she is not camping out at the Hotel School, where she works a variety of random jobs and cooks as much as possible, she is working her way through the list of 161 Things to do Before You Graduate from Cornell with her house mates. She loves to run, bake and try out any random gym class.

Most Worthwhile Class: Business Computing – sounds boring, but most useful computer skills ever! Food and Wine Pairing is also an essential life class – it is just what it sounds like.

Best Meal You've Ever Cooked: Well I prefer baking, so chocolate croissant bread pudding with crème anglaise. Served hot, not at room temperature!

Favorite Dining Hall Food: Mongo Bar – a stir fry and lo mein bar…..what could be better?

Best Party Theme: A.B.C. Anything But Clothes (Think random house hold materials made into dresses – Pokemon Cards, Gift Bags, Loofas, etc..)

Tastiest Travel Experience: Positano, Italy – Cherry Tomatoes that you could eat by the pound any time of the day and served on pasta, pizza, or by themselves. There was also Burrata cheese that was made in the town by the locals. The combination was heavenly and could not have been fresher.

College Town Tours: The Best of Ithaca, NY


A view of Cornell’s campus (courtesy of Cornell University Photography)

Ithaca is all you could ever want in a college town. In addition to the hopping bar scene and excellent cheap eats on College Ave, the surrounding area is home to some of the most creative local restaurants in the country, including the iconic Moosewood Restaurant. Ithaca is located in the Finger Lakes region of New York, and if you go to school here, your campus will include not only the requisite quads and clocktowers, but gorges and waterfalls. If you need to take a study break, further afield of …