This Week at College: Back to School

Every week we give you the latest in college news, trends, and lifestyle tips. If you have anything juicy, make sure to post it here on the Small Kitchen College facebook page, and we’ll include it in next week’s edition.

–Bethany Imondi, Small Kitchen College Contributor.

With all the commercials and department store displays advertising back to school, summer’s end is officially here. Instead of dreading the end of the season, here are 20 reasons to get excited for the return to campus.

While choosing which ice cream flavor to order is not exactly life altering, it is a nevertheless a decision. Being back in school session introduces even more complicated choices. One potential decision you might face: to rush or not to rush? Here’s some advice to help you tackle this Greeky question.

Just because your dorm room has concrete walls and a closet that barely holds all of your shoes does not mean that your space has to be drab. Simple changes can transform your dorm into a space that will make you proud to call it home.

Having an attractive space helps liven dorm life, but getting along with your roommate is critical to comfortable living. Whether living with your best friend or a stranger, here are the ten commandments of being a good roommate.

As you shop for your dorm and plan your first day of school outfit, don’t let yourself forget that there are still a few weeks of summer before school mode officially begins. Spend that time checking off the last things on your summer bucket list.

Originally posted on Friday, August 17th, 2012

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