Eat Under $10: Tofu Scramble

Dish: Tofu Scramble
Serves: 1-2
Good For: A hearty brunch, a light dinner or lunch (what I’m trying to say is you can eat this whenever you want)
Shopping List: 1 carton firm tofu ($2), 1 medium summer squash (79 cents), 1 cup of mushrooms ($2), 1/2 an onion (75 cents), 1 tablespoon ginger ($1)
Pantry Items: olive oil, curry powder, garlic, paprika
Total Cost: $6.54

My roommates love eggs. In fact, I just counted how many eggs are currently in our fridge, and there are 27. Don’t get me wrong: I like eggs - they are super healthy and really versatile. But sometimes, I’m just not in the mood. Sometimes, I want something a little heartier, a little more filling. Enter tofu - a delicious, nutritious protein that can be the star in dishes as different as bagels with tofu cream cheese and tofu vegetable cassoulet.

Tofu often gets a bad rep in the culinary world (particularly among meat eaters) as mushy and tasteless, but to those people I would ask, do you find uncooked, unseasoned chicken appealing and full of flavor? No. Exactly.

Thus, the key to making good tofu, like any protein, is knowing how to spice and cook it. This recipe for a tofu scramble is packed with flavor and makes for a great breakfast or light dinner, especially when paired with a healthy grain like farro or quinoa. Vegans: holla at ya girl.

Priya Krishna is a senior at Dartmouth College majoring in Government and French. She is currently spending her summer in New York as an intern for the Food Network. No, she has not met Giada De Laurentiis. Or Paula Deen. Yet.


Tofu Scramble
Serves 1-2
Recipe adapted from The First Kitchen

1 container of firm tofu
1 medium summer squash, diced
1 cup of mushrooms (any kind), sliced
1/2 onion
1 tablespoon ginger, diced
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon curry powder
salt and pepper, to taste

In a large saucepan, heat up the olive oil on medium heat. Add the garlic and saute for a minute or two, then mix in the veggies and let them sit for 3-4 minutes. Crumble the block of tofu into the saucepan with your hands (FYI: this part is really fun) and cook for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the ginger, paprika, curry powder, salt and pepper and let the flavors mingle for about 5 more minutes. Serve by itself or over your favorite grain.

Originally posted on Tuesday, July 17th, 2012

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