Table for Two: Thursdate Do-It-Together Dessert Party

My fiancé and I love eat out. It’s probably our favorite couples activity aside from lounging around in our pajamas during all-day movie marathons (I confess, we are lazy weekenders!). I think part of the reason we both chose New York City (he for employment, me for college) had to do with the food scene. Don’t get me wrong, our home-town of Nashville hosts its own bevy of lick-your-plate delicious restaurants, but for variety in cuisine, well, there is no city in the world like New York for that! I think we both imagined life in New York to be one giant date night where the food and drink was as free flowing as the honking of horns from the yellow taxi cabs.

Reality: Chris and I can’t afford to go out every night; heck, we can’t even afford every weekend. When you’re young, the ole wallet has to be tight, whether you like it or not, and New York City is no cheap excursion. However, pinching pennies and dating need not butt heads. There are plenty of ways around a tight budget that are still mighty entertaining and delicious.

Enter, the Thursdate Do-It-Together Dessert Party. This has become a couples tradition for the boy and me. Exhasution from a near full week of work and a desire to enjoy the last weeknight before the glorious days of relaxation joined forces and led us smack into dessert night. A little post-dinner sugar pick-me-up is the perfect way to ring in Friday, and you don’t even need to get dressed up.

The options for Do-It-Together Dessert Party are as vast as the dessert world itself. Chris and I have done sundaes, yogurt parfaits, peanut butter bon bons, and sugar cookies. We have tried fudge sauce, puddings, hot chocolate, and caramel popcorn. But time and time again, we return to the chocolate chip cookie. There is nothing more fun than baking together: he adds the flour, I beat the eggs. He dumps in the chocolate chips and I stir. In the end we take turns cramming as much cookie dough into our mouths as we can while waiting for our golden brown babies to roast. A hot and melted cookie and a cold glass of milk on the couch next to the person you love most in the world, no sir, no amount of money can beat that feeling.



Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies
Makes about 30
Adapted from My Pizza by Jim Lahey

10 tablespoons salted butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 500°D, which is scary high, I know-trust me the final result is amazing, warm and gooey in the center but with a charred and crunchy edge.

With an electric mixture or by hand (though it will take some muscle) beat butter and sugar for 2 to 3 minutes. Add in the egg and continue to mix until the batter is blended and airy, another minute or two. You will want to taste it now, and it will taste good.

In a separate bowl mix together flour, baking powder, and salt. In small batches, transfer the dry mix to the batter and stir like crazy. This process takes about 3 minutes.

Finall add in the chocolate chips, the key ingredient. Make sure to mix them throughout. Sample the dough here, just to make sure it’s amazing, which it will be.

Drop dough by spoonful onto a greased baking sheet. Maintain enough room between cookies, about 1 and 1/2 inches apart, as cookies will flatten and expand in high heat. Bake for 5 minutes, watching vigilantly; working with such high heat lends itself to a batch of burned babies!

Enjoy with a glass of cool milk, and then keep on enjoying for the next few days.

Sarah Buchanan is a senior at NYU where she studies history and creative writing. When she is not planning her upcoming June wedding or daydreaming about her Antigua honeymoon, she is searching for the city’s best pickles!

Originally posted on Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

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