The Dorm Room Bar: Warm Whisky Cider

A warming pot of spiced cider on the stove sets the scene for holiday festivities to come. Phoebe and I first drank this cider at one of our favorite events of the year-our friend Kate’s Christmas party. Kate’s mom would simply mull the cider with cinnamon sticks, warm it over the stove, and then add whisky at the end. While this is not the booziest of holiday drinks (you’ll need a lot to really get smashed), it does an expert job of setting the scene for the holidays.

Cara is the co-founder of Big Girls, Small Kitchen and Small Kitchen College. She cannot say no to grilled cheese.


Warm Spiked Cider
Serves a crowd

3 gallons apple cider
½ a (750ml) bottle of Jack Daniels
10 cinnamon sticks

Slowly warm the apple cider and cinnamon sticks in a big soup pot. Add the Jack Daniels just before serving. Ladle out into in heat-proof cups.

Originally posted on Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

2 Responses to “The Dorm Room Bar: Warm Whisky Cider”

  1. Small Kitchen College: The Best Hot Chocolate Mixes | Cooking with Ken

    December 29th, 2011

    [...] when watching your favorite holiday film by the fire. Of course, hot chocolate is also the perfect dorm room drink — particularly a necessary companion to finals studying! One of the best things about hot [...]

  2. Small Kitchen College: The 5 Best Sendable Valentine’s Day Treats | Screw Cable

    February 7th, 2012

    [...] tart cranberries, and citrusy lemons and limes. Turn up the heat with big hunks of ginger and a cinnamon stick; you can even make chai syrup! Diversify with fresh herbs like mint and rosemary. Mail out mason [...]

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