Study Break Snacks: Sweet and Savory Tortilla Chips

As students, we all know that studying is something that comes along with our everyday life. Once one test or project ends, another seems to begin. Hittin’ the books feels ten times better when you can take a little break and indulge in something tasty and energizing. Junky study break foods from the vending machine have a tendency to rule but reading the mysterious ingredient list can sometimes requires a break all in itself.

So take a couple steps back from your work, gather a couple key ingredients and heat up that oven of yours. These sweet and savory baked tortilla chips are the perfect little pick me up to keep you going when you are feeling hungry for something easy and full of flavor. These are not your average ol’ chip just like you aren’t the average ol’ student.

Sarah Cunningham writes about food for Small Kitchen College. She’s a senior at SCAD, where she studies fashion and spends too much money on thrift store knick knacks & tries her best to experiment successfully in the kitchen. Read More…


Sweet & Savory Tortilla Chips
Serves 2

2 medium-sized soft corn tortillas
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1 teaspoon of lime juice
Preheat oven to 375°F.

Pile the two tortillas on top of each other and cut into wedges. Lay each one out in a single layer on a well greased cookie sheet.

In a small bowl, mix together vegetable oil, lime juice, garlic salt, black pepper, sugar and paprika. With a cooking brush or spoon, drizzle half of the mixture over the chips. Flip each chip and drizzle the other side with the rest of the mixture so both sides are full of flavor. Bake for 5 minutes on each side, or until golden brown. Top with a dollop of sour cream, salsa or chopped cilantro and it is ready to serve!

Originally posted on Monday, October 10th, 2011

3 Responses to “Study Break Snacks: Sweet and Savory Tortilla Chips”

  1. 10 Links with Great Ideas to Stalk …

    October 12th, 2011

    [...] Study Break Snacks: Sweet and Savory Tortilla Chips — Small Kitchen College [...]

  2. Small Kitchen College: How To: Use Vending Machine Snacks in Home Cooking | USA Press

    April 10th, 2012

    [...] or chewy, red Swedish Fish over the bag of Trail Mix, remember that it is A-OK to splurge on those salty, sweet snacks, especially if you have just a few handfuls of them now and save the rest for later. (Though, [...]

  3. Good eating, good prices, REAL EVIDENCE | Deep Fried Epiphany

    June 12th, 2012

    [...] Tortilla chips (*Documented as part of a spreadsheet I keep to avoid forgetting my own daily life) [...]

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