The One-Pot Stop: Fourth of July Friendly Potato Salad

The Fourth of July is, arguably more than any other holiday, a day of picnics and outdoor activity. An integral component of any American picnic is, of course, potato salad and for this red, white, and blue themed holiday, peeled potatoes and mayonnaise take care of the lily-white stars and stripes.

This is not that potato salad, but it’s still white and you even get some red from the skins as a bonus! As one of those people that happens to despise mayonnaise (and most condiments, at that), this is the only version of potato salad that I will eat and its lightness is perfect for a hot day in July. Using dainty red potatoes, some good olive oil and vinegar, as well as fresh herbs, I consider this a Mediterranean take on German potato salad.

The process of making this dish is super simple and the results are unfailingly delicious. It can be made ahead of time and kept in the refrigerator overnight and tastes best at room temperature, making it perfect for a picnic. No need to worry about warm mayonnaise: olive oil can take the heat!

Chrysanthe is a recent graduate of Smith College who loves the summertime for taking leisurely walks in the evening and wearing sundresses and sandals every day. She enjoys ending the day with some cold beer, a good book, and the occasional double feature at the drive-in movie theater.


No-Mayonnaise Potato Salad
Serves 4-6

5-6 red potatoes
2-3 tbsp parsley, chopped
2 tbsp scallions, chopped
~3 tbsp olive oil
~¼ cup lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

In a pot, boil the potatoes until soft enough to pierce easily with a fork. Fill a large bowl with ice cold water and place the boiled potatoes in it to cool them for handling.

Cube the potatoes and place them in your serving bowl.

Sprinkle the parsley and scallions over the potatoes and toss everything with the olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Seasonings can be adjusted to your liking. Bring it with you to the Independence Day cookout and enjoy!

Originally posted on Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

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