Mother’s Day: Care Packages from College to Home

My mom wasn’t one to send me care packages at college. She was a busy woman-and I came home too often. Still, I was secretly jealous of my roommate whose dad would assemble extravagant packages full of candy and decorations for every holiday. Each package came with a cute little love note from dad. I remember for Halloween he sent a plastic punch bowl full of candy that took seven girls weeks to finish. (Granted, we wanted to look good in our Halloween costumes.)

I don’t mean to make my mom look bad on Mother’s Day. On the rare occasion that she was able to get to the post office before it closed on a Saturday, my mom put together a darn good care package.

There were always homemade cookies, sometimes a newspaper article, a copy of Saveur, or new cookbook, maybe something I forgot that I forgot at home and a healthy dose of chocolate. She always included a card with thoughtful words. She knew what I wanted and not what I needed and that, dear readers, is the beauty of the misnamed “care” package.

If you’re not going home for Mother’s Day this year, it’s the perfect time to send mom a reverse care package. I’m not talking bath salts and candles; you don’t want to give her headache from far away, too. I’ve put together some care package ideas for different types of moms, from those who are health-minded to those who are sweet-toothed or busy (or both!).

Mother Nature Package
For the mom who’s on her way to fitting into her college jeans again, or who already does.
Peanut Butter Granola Bars
Tea assortment
Dried berries or cherries (If you have an oven, this is easily done at home. Just wash and pit or deseed the fruit of choice, arrange in one layer on baking tray. Turn the oven on the lowest possible heat and leave tray in oven for 6 to 8 hours or until fruit is dry and chewy.)
Work-out CD mix
T-shirt from your university (refrain from those that say “(College Name) Mom”)

Mama-licious Package
For the mom who’d rather have cookies than candles.
Flower cookies (turn our Heart- and Lip-Shaped Sugar Cookies into a bouquet simply by buying a flower-shaped cutter)
A box of her favorite childhood candy
Romantic comedy DVD
A heartfelt letter

Super Mom Package
For the mom who doesn’t even have time to sit down for dinner.
Mrs. Wheelbarrow’s Crushed Tomatoes
Box of gourmet pasta
Recipe book
Coupon for a Skype dinner/movie date

Alexia is a recent grad living in Lancaster, PA. She loves to travel, experiment in the kitchen, and shop locally. The best breakfast she’s ever had is Swedish Oatmeal Pancakes.

Originally posted on Monday, May 2nd, 2011

2 Responses to “Mother’s Day: Care Packages from College to Home”

  1. Maggie | Eat Boutique

    May 3rd, 2011

    Very cute post. I like the “heartfelt letter” :)

  2. Sheila

    May 6th, 2011

    Oh, no, I FAIL at care packages!! No matter, I’d take any of those yummy baskets above. Good ideas, all!!

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