Two-Step Strawberry Butter

Posted by on Thursday Sep 27th, 2012 | Print

So the whole reason that I started the Make It series was to have a place to share recipes that aren’t really recipes. Strawberry Butter is one of those.

If you’ve made strawberry butter before, you probably think me silly for bothering to post directions - the process is that easy. But if you’ve only eaten the creamy fruity stuff on a popover (Popover Cafe on the UWS is where I first tried strawberry butter) or other breakfast bread, I guarantee you’ll be ecstatic to add this non-recipe to your repertoire.

All you do is take a 1/4 cup of jam, which, by the way, doesn’t have to be strawberry (try Sassy Radish’s Peach Jam with Apricots and Black Pepper or anything from jam genius Mrs. Wheelbarrow - or what ever looks good at the farmers’ market or the supermarket), and mix it til combined with a stick of softened butter. If you make the flavored butter ahead of time, take it out of the fridge to re-soften before serving to your friends at brunch.

I think it’s such a fun and easy way to spruce up your brunch game and impress your friends with your remarkable cooking prowess and knack for matching flavors (raspberry butter and chocolate bread? apple butter and gingerbread?). Pictured above is a brunch from the book tour, which featured a bread platter with banana bread, baguette, and peach butter.

Make It! is a new series where I share super smart tips for prepping, making, and presenting food in the easiest possible way. See tips from previous columns, like how to bring cold eggs up to room temp–fast–and how to keep lettuce fresh in the fridge.

P.S. More tips on hosting brunch.

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    I love this series you are doing! Please keep it up - having little tricks like this on hand really can make or break a meal when in a hurry! Love it!

    • BGSK

      So glad you enjoy it! I’ve got a couple more tricks up my sleeve…