Thankgiving Tupperware-Be-Gone Dinner

Posted by on Sunday Nov 27th, 2011 | Print

By the Saturday after Thanksgiving, eating leftover pumpkin pie for breakfast no longer feels like a childhood fantasy. It feels more like you might not ever want to see another pumpkin pie, not ever. For the week following the holiday, Tupperware containers filled to the brim with stuffing, turkey, and sweet potatoes crowd the shelves of your fridge and your conscious mind.

Isn’t the point of Thanksgiving to be grateful? What kind of person would throw away three pounds of stuffing? To placate your moral compass, we’ve devised a menu that will help you get Thanksgiving leftovers on the table and out of your life for good (or, until next year). (If this is dinner, be sure to have a Turkey Reuben for lunch.)

First, shred up all that maddeningly dry turkey and throw it into a comforting, lemony garlic soup. Next, transform your sweet potatoes and other wayward root vegetables into these versatile and delicious pancakes. Reinvigorate your stuffing by baking it in the oven with a few eggs-the oozy yolk will be better than any gravy, and after a few days of pie for breakfast, you’ll be ready for it. Finally, get rid of any leftover cans of pumpkin and bowls of pecans by using both up in a chocolatey quickbread, and Thanksgiving Tupperware be gone!

Garlic Soup with Turkey

Squash and Sweet Potato Pancakes

Baked Eggs on a Bed of Stuffing

Pumpkin Pecan Chocolate Chip Bread

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